The act of lying hands to comfort and relieve pain by channeling life-force energy.
Sixty Minutes..........$60.00
Aroma touch technique includes 4 steps (2 oils each) to help achieve:
Stress Management--> Balance & Lavender
Immune Support--> Melalleuca & On Guard
Inflammatory Response--> Aroma Touch & Deep Blue
Homeostasis--> Wild Orange & Peppermint
All oils are Certified Therapeutic Grade
Sixty Minutes..........$120.00
Light touch Massage that relaxes, detoxifies
Sixty Minutes..........$55.00
A 12 week program which includes a one hour massage and a 25 minute Epsom Salt whirlpool bath
Each session.............$100.00
deep tissue alignment work in which the client takes an active role in their recuperation and restoration
Ninety Minutes..........$150.00
the art and science of working specific reflex points and areas on the hands, feet and ears to relax and relieve stress and pain in the body
Each Session..........$95.00
The Raindrop Technique uses a sequence of highly antimicrobial essential oils designed to simultaneously reduce inflammation and kill the responsible virla agents.
Sixty Minutes..........$110.00
Target the area of pain for a few minutes
10 minutes..........$25.00
15 minutes..........$35.00
a whole-body exfoliation with sea salts, followed by an application of soothing cream
Each session..........$90.00
is a new all-natural body contouring treatment that will help reshape your figure without invasive surgery. Figure impalances like cellulite and bulges on the thighs or abdomen respond readily to Lypossage.
20 Sessions 3x a week for 6 weeks..........$1800.00 *plus the cost of product*
Works with the meridians of the body to balance energy and relieve stress. Deeply relaxing
Sixty Minutes..........$120.00
a fifteen-minute therapeutic hot whirlpool bath to relax your muscles.......$15.00
The Whirlpool Bath..........$25.00
A Touch of Reiki...............$25.00
A Back Exfoliation............$25.00
A Bit of Aromatherapy.....$25.00
Combination of light work, deep work, and some stretches.
Thirty Minutes..........$60.00
Sixty Minutes...........$80.00
Ninety Minutes.........$110.00
Deep work on muscle spasms in the muscle belly to relieve chronic pain.
Thirty Minutes..........$70.00
Sixty Minutes...........$90.00
Therapeutic Technique that uses firm pressure and slow massage strokes to relieve chronic pain.
Thirty Minutes..........$80.00
Sixty Minutes...........$100.00